I want to commit suicide, please help

How do you feel about this?

Remember, if something makes you feel bad just get rid of it. Especially if that thing is a person.
but you posted anonymously

i wanna help too
Thank you very much, i dont know who you are or where you are but you have really helped, i am going to go to sleep and hopefully tomorrow will be so much better, #THANKYOU
its difficult to talk to people, on hear i can be free and no one can judge me
Thats a good point, i want my friends and family to be happy and i do love them very much
And that's enough to keep me alive, I want to see everyone around me happy, I don't care if it will cost my own happiness
So, I do as well, but every time I think about kill myself, the first image appearing in my mind is the sadness of those who I love :|
It agrovates me
I see everything wrong in this world and i don't like it
How can i help ?
Just help me please
Do you wanna help to commit suicide or to not ?